What the hell is this? Another music blog?

As a matter of fact, it is, but with some personal touches that may interest the casual music fan or someone who digs a little deeper on occasion.

At this place and in this time, I navigate daily through a maze of boxes, bins, shelves and drawers, each overflowing with goods all clamoring for attention LOUDLY. Frank Zappa snuggling with Sun Ra ( in two locations! ), Son Volt occupying a desk drawer, part of a kitchen cabinet, and a corner of a storage bin. Bil Vermette occasionally surfacing for an hour. Gary Wilson is here in spirit, if not in physical form ( yet ). Pete Seeger and Arlo Guthrie awaiting a singalong piled directly on top of ” The Cat ” by The Incredible Jimmy Smith. This is my home, these are my friends. ( With a notable exception of The Incredible String Band and Ian Dury. They reside here, but are not welcome tenants.
” Changing Horses ” and ” New Boots And Panties ” may be the worst albums ever made, but we’ll discuss that later… )

As with all friendships, there are limitations and exclusions that have to be made. This blog is a way to rectify that, one baby step at a time.

The goal here is to retrieve an album a day from whatever storage device it lurks in, listen to it twice, and post the impressions it leaves here. I am not an album critic; I am not a record snob. All formats are fair game.

I strongly encourage you to seek these things out, and my hope is that these daily missives will provide a vehicle for you to do so. Music is everything; Music is the best. Music alone shall live.

” Is it rolling, Bob? ”


Whizabee Sunshine