
Formed from the ashes of the beloved Minutemen, this 2 CD set is proof that tragedy can stun one person (Mike Watt) and drive another to chase a dream (Ed Hurley) all at once. Everything the band had in the vaults from their run at Columbia Records is here; Their SST albums are available elsewhere. Even if you didn’t (or don’t) know the backstory behind Firehose, these songs stand out and stand up twenty-five years later. There is much sadness here but it is kept firmly in check by the joy these three are having playing together. Hearing it all in one continuous album is not nearly as overwhelming as it seems; every time I put this on it feels like meeting an old friend for an afternoon of goofiness and laughter. You’re not treading new ground, but you ARE having a hell of a good time, and that’s more than enough.


Published by

Whizabee Sunshine

A lifetime music acquirer / listener / discusser-er. 6000 + recordings on various formats at our disposal / for our amusement. Let's dig, you dig?

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